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A Letter to My Son

By August 20, 2016June 14th, 2021No Comments

A letter I wrote to my son when he was starting college. As a parent, I understand the emotional rollercoaster this journey is for all involved. Just wanted to share a glimpse of mine. It is a memory I cherish. I hope you enjoy reading it.

Dear Vedant,


18 years ago, a lady doctor gave me the best gift of my life. Honestly, I did not know what to do with it, but I nurtured it, loved it, and gave my hundred percent to it. That gift was you, my dear.


It is hard to believe how and where these past 18 years have flown by. I have enjoyed and cherished every moment with you. Yes, even when we argued and fought!


Now it is time for you to spread your wings and fly. Go, explore the world. It has a lot to give you but do not forget to give back too. Always remember the people who have raised you (No, not just me) but all who have been a part of your journey and have impacted your life in some small way or big. It could be the school guard, driver, Principal’s secretary or the School Director or a family member, or friend.


We have always been very proud of your accomplishments. Be it taking the first baby steps or joining UC Berkeley.
A few gifts for you
  • Battery Charger to charge you up when you are feeling low. It’s just a phase and this too shall pass. It always does. There will be moments when you feel dejected and lost. During your weakest moment, you must be the strongest.
  • Starbucks Gift card – Eat well and stay healthy.
  • Amazon Gift Card – Spend wisely and manage your finances.
  • Lego Key Chain – Walk into the future with confidence but always carry a bit of your past with you.
A reminder to
  • Be Humble
  • Pay Homage to your Forefathers
  • Respect Women
  • Explore
  • Make Mistakes and most of all
  • Have Fun and be safe
Last but not the least, I am always there for you no matter what.
We are proud of you!
Love n blessings always,
August 20, 2016

Ruchi G.Saran